Sunday 21 October 2012

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VY Canis Majoris
75% of all the stars in the Universe are smaller and less massive than the Sun. Most of the others are similar in size and mass to the Sun, or maybe a little larger. But there are some very rare stars out there that are much larger and more massive than our Sun; these are the giant stars.
Blue Giant Stars
The color of a star depends on its temperature. The coolest stars are red, while the hottest stars are blue. And the temperature of a star depends entirely on its mass. If a star has enough mass, it will have a surface temperature greater than about 10,000 Kelvin and shine with a blue color. The largest and hottest stars in the Universe are these 
blue giant stars.
A familiar example is the blue giant star Rigel, located in the constellation of Orion, located about 700 to 900 light years away. Rigel contains 17 times the mass of the Sun, and shines with 40,000 times the luminosity of the Sun. This is enough energy for Rigel to light up dust clouds in its vicinity.

Read more: even more extreme example is the blue hypergiant Eta Carinae, located about 8,000 light years away. Eta Carinae is a monster, estimated to have more than 100 times the mass of the Sun. It’s burning fuel at such a tremendous rate that it puts out 4 million times as much energy as the Sun, with a surface temperature of 40,000 Kelvin. Astronomers expect Eta Carinae to detonate as a supernova in a few hundred thousand years.
Blue giant stars are giant because they have many times the mass of the Sun.
Red Giant Stars
On the other end of the spectrum are the red giant stars. While blue is the hottest color of stars, red is the coolest color they can have. A red giant is born when a star like our Sun reaches the end of its life and runs out of hydrogen fuel in its core. This forces the star to begin nuclear fusion with helium, increase in luminosity and bloat up many times its original size. When our Sun becomes a red giant, it will expand to consume the orbits of the inner planets, including Mercury, Venus and Earth.
So, regular stars become regular red giants. But there are even larger red giants out there; the red supergiants. These are massive stars with more than 20 times the mass of the Sun. They enter the red giant phase of stellar evolution, but instead of merely expanding to the orbit of the Earth, they can expand to more than 1,500 times the radius of the Sun. Imagine a star that extended out past the orbit of Saturn.
We have written many articles about stars here on Universe Today. Here’s an article about the biggest star in the Universe, and here’s an article about a planet surviving when its star became a red giant.
If you’d like more information on stars, check out Hubblesite’s News Releases about Stars, and here’s the stars and galaxies homepage.
We have recorded several episodes of Astronomy Cast about stars. Here are two that is a user-supported site.
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Sun-like Stars
(Up to 1.5 times the mass of the Sun)
Huge Stars
(From 1.5 to 3 times the mass of the Sun)
Giant Stars
(Over 3 times the mass of the Sun)


Stars are born in nebulae. Huge clouds of dust and gas collapse under gravitational forces, forming protostars. These young stars undergo further collapse, forming main sequence stars.

Stars expand as they grow old. As the core runs out of hydrogen and then helium, the core contacts and the outer layers expand, cool, and become less bright. This is a red giant or a red super giant (depending on the initial mass of the star). It will eventually collapse and explode. Its fate is determined by the original mass of the star; it will become either a black dwarf, neutron star, or black hole.

Below: Winter Circle (note star color):
Capella is yellow. Aldebaran is orange. Betelgeuse is red. Rigel is blue. Sirius is blue-white

The Zodiac
Zodiac Calendar

A calendar to print, read, and color.
The Zodiac is a family of constellations that lie along the ecliptic (the plane in which most of our Solar System lies). Usually, 12 constellations are listed in the Zodiac, but there is actually a thirteenth constellation that crosses the ecliptic, Ophiuchus (between Scorpio and Sagittarius).
The 12 Constellations of the Zodiac
Aquarius, the water bearer
Aries, the ram
Cancer, the crab
Capricorn, the goat
Gemini, the twins
Leo, the lion
Libra, the scales
Pisces, the fish
Sagittarius, the archer
Scorpius, the scorpion
Taurus, the bull
Virgo, the virgin
The Constellations of the Zodiac:


[Abbreviation: Ari] Aries (the ram) is a constellation of the 
zodiac located along the ecliptic between Pisces and Taurus. This tiny, faint constellation is seen just north of the ecliptic. The brightest star in Aries (Alpha Ari) is Hamal, the second-brightest star (Beta Ari) is Sharatan, the third-brightest star (Gamma 2 Ari) is Mesarthim, and the fourth-brightest is Botein (Delta Ari).


[Abbreviation: Tau] Taurus (the bull) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. This constellation is seen along the ecliptic between Aries and Gemini. The brightest star (Alpha Tau) in Taurus is Aldebaran, which is one of the bull's eyes (Aldebaran is the 13th brightest star in the sky). The second-brightest star in Taurus (Beta Tau) is Alnath, the third brightest (Gamma Tau) is Hyadum I.


[Abbreviation: Gem] Gemini (also known as "The Twins") is one of the constellations of the 
zodiac, located along the ecliptic between Taurus and Cancer. The brightest stars in Gemini are Castor (a sextuple star - three double stars) and Pollux (a 1st magnitude yellow star). The star cluster M30 is in Gemini. The open cluster M35 also is located in Gemini. The Geminid meteor shower seems to radiate from Gemini.


[Abbreviation: Cnc] Cancer (the crab) is a very faint constellation of the 
zodiacthat is shaped like a crab. Cancer is seen along the ecliptic and is located between Leo and Gemini. At the center of the crab's shell is a huge open cluster, the Beehive cluster, also known as Praesepe (M44). The open cluster M67 is nearby. The brightest star in Cancer is Acubens (meaning claw); the second-brightest is Al Tarf (meaning tip).


[Abbreviation: Leo] Leo (the lion) is a constellation of the 
zodiac that is shaped like a lion. Leo is seen along the Milky Way in the Northern Hemisphere along the ecliptic between Virgo and Cancer. The brightest star (Alpha Leo) in Leo is Regulus (meaning "little king"). The second-brightest star (Beta Leo) is Denebola (meaning "tail of the lion"), and the third-brightest star (Gamma 1 Leo) is Algieba (meaning "forehead"). The spiral galaxies M65, M66, M95, M96, and the elliptical galaxy M105 are nearby.


[Abbreviation: Vir] Virgo (the virgin) is a 
constellation of the zodiac. It is located along the ecliptic between Leo and Libra. Virgo is seen along the ecliptic. The brightest star in Virgo is Spica (meaning "ear of wheat"). Virgo is the second-largest constellation (of the 88 constellations), after Hydra.


[Abbreviation: Lib] Libra (the balance) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. Libra is seen along the ecliptic between Virgo and Scorpius. The brightest star (Alpha 2 Lib) in Libra is Zuben Elgenubi, the second-brightest star (Beta Lib) is Zuben Elschemali, the third-brightest star (Gamma Lib) is Zuben Elakrab, and the fourth-brightest star (Delta Lib) is Zuben Elakribi


[Abbreviation: Sco] Scorpius (the scorpion) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. This constellation is seen along the ecliptic between Libra and Sagittarius. The brightest star in Scorpius is Antares, a red supergiant star that is about 500 light-years away from Earth and is about 230 times as big as the Sun. The second-brightest (Beta 1 Sco) is Graffias.


[Abbreviation: Sgr] Sagittarius is the ninth constellation of the 
zodiac. To the ancients, it represented a centaur (half-man, half-horse) archer who was aiming at the Scorpion (the next constellation) which bit Orion. Its central section (the archer's chest) also resembles a teapot. The center of the Milky Way Galaxy is in the direction of Sagittarius. Many meteor showers, including the Sagittariids, seem to radiate from Sagittarius. The brightest star in Sagittarius (Alpha Sgr) is Rukbat (which means "knee" in Arabic).


[Abbreviation: Cap] Capricornus (the goat) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. Capricorn is seen along theecliptic between Sagittarius and Aquarius. The brightest stars in Capricornus are Prima Giedi (Alpha 1 Cap) and Secunda Giedi (Alpha 2 Cap). The globular cluster M30 is in Capricorn.


[Abbreviation: Aqr] Aquarius (the water bearer) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. This faint constellation is seen along the ecliptic. The sun passes through Aquarius from mid-February until mid-March. There are many interesting celestial objects in this large constellation, including globular clusters (M2 and M72), planetary nebulae (NGC 7009 and NGC 7293), the star group M73, a double star (zeta Aqr). Aquarius is the radiant for the meteor showers: March Aquarids, Delta Aquarids, Eta Aquarids, and Iota Aquarids. Alpha Aquarii (the brightest star in Aquarius) is called Sadalmelik (meaning the Lucky One of the King) and beta Aquarii (the second-brightest star in Aquarius) is named Sadalsuud (meaning the Luckiest of the Lucky); they are twin supergiants.


[Abbreviation: Psc] Pisces (the fish) is a faint equatorial constellation of the 
zodiac. Pisces is seen along the ecliptic between Aries and Aquarius. The brightest star in Pisces (Alpha Psc) is Al Rischa (or Alrisha), the second-brightest-star (Beta Psc) is Fum al Samakah. The spiral galaxy M74 is in Pisces.

CONSTELLATIONS constellation is a group of stars that, when seen from Earth, form a pattern. The stars in the sky are divided into 88 constellations.
The brightest constellation is Crux (the Southern Cross). The constellation with the greatest number of visible stars in it is Centaurus (the Centaur - with 101 stars). The largest constellation is Hydra (The Water Snake) which extends over 3.158% of the sky.
There are also asterisms, smaller apparent star patterns within a constellation, like the Big Dipper (in Ursa Major), the Little Dipper (in Ursa Minor), Keystone (in Hercules), and the Pleiades (in Taurus). 

The 88 Constellations:
The 12 Constellations of the Zodiac
The zodiac is a band of 12 constellations along the ecliptic.
Aquarius, the water bearer
Aries, the ram
Cancer, the crab
Capricorn, the goat
Gemini, the twins
Leo, the lion
Libra, the scales
Pisces, the fish
Sagittarius, the archer
Scorpius, the scorpion
Taurus, the bull
Virgo, the virgin
The Constellations of the Southern Hemisphere (some are seasonally visible in the Northern Hemisphere):
Apus, the bird of paradise
Ara, the altar
Carina, the ship's keel
Centauras, the centaur
Chamaeleon, the chameleon
Circinus, the compass
Crux, the southern cross
Dorado, the swordfish
Eridanus, the river
Grus, the crane
Hydrus, the water snake
Indus, the Indian
Lepus, the rabbit
Mensa, the table
Musca, the fly
Norma, the surveyor's level
Octans, the octant
Pavo, the peacock
Phoenix, the phoenix
Pictor, the easel
Reticulum, the net
Triangulum Australe, the southern triangle
Tucana, the toucan
Vela, the ship's sails
Volans, the flying fish
The Constellations of the Northern Hemisphere (some are seasonally visible in the Southern Hemisphere):
Andromeda, the princess
Antlia, the pump
Aquila, the eagle
Auriga, the chariot driver
Bootes, the herdsman
Caelum, the chisel
Camelopardalis, the giraffe
Canes Venatici, the hunting dogs
Canis Major, the big dog
Canis Minor, the little dog
Cassiopeia, the queen
Cepheus, the king
Cetus, the whale
Columba, the dove
Coma Berenices, Berenice's hair
Corona Australis, the southern crown
Corona Borealis, the northern crown
Corvus, the crow
Crater, the cup
Cygnus, the swan
Delphinus, the dolphin
Draco, the dragon
Equuleus, the little horse
Fornax, the furnace
Hercules, the hero
Horologium, the clock
Hydra, the water snake
Lacerta, the lizard
Leo Minor, the little lion
Lupus, the wolf
Lynx, the lynx
Lyra, the harp
Microscopium, the microscope
Monoceros, the unicorn
Ophiuchus, the sepent holder
Orion, the hunter
Pegasus, the flying horse
Perseus, the Medusa killer
Pisces Austrinus, the southern fish
Puppis, the ship's stern
Pyxis, the ship's compass
Sagitta, the arrow
Sculptor, the sculptor
Scutum, the shield
Serpens, the snake
Sextans, the sextant
Telescopium, the telescope
Triangulum, the triangle
Ursa Major, the big bear
Ursa Minor, the little bear
Vulpecula, the little fox


There are many families of constellations, constellations that are either close to one another in our view of the sky or have some other relationship (for example, depicting figures from a particular ancient myth). Some constellation families include:
  • the Zodiac: 12 constellations are star groupings that lie along the ecliptic (the plane in which most of our Solar System lies). Usually, 12 constellations are listed in the Zodiac, but there is actually a thirteenth constellation that crosses the ecliptic, Ophiuchus (between Scorpio and Sagittarius). The signs of the Zodiac are Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius.
  • the Ursa Major Family: 10 constellations circling the northern celestial pole, including Ursa Major (containing the Big Dipper), Ursa Minor (containing Polaris, the northern pole star), Canes Venatici, Boötes, Coma Berenice, Corona Borealis, Camelopardalis, Lynx, Draco, and Leo Minor.
  • the Perseus Family: 9 constellations depicting figures from the myth of Perseus, including Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Andromeda, Perseus, Pegasus, Cetus, Auriga, Lacerta, Triangulum.
  • the Hercules Family: 19 constellations depicting figures from the myth of Heracles, including Hercules, Sagitta, Aquila, Lyra, Cygnus, Vulpecula, Hydra, Sextans, Crater, Corvus, Ophiuchus, Serpens, Scutum, Centaurus, Lupus, Corona Australis, Ara, Triangulum Australe, Crux.
  • the Orion Family: 5 constellations, including Orion (the hunter), Canis Major and Canis Minor (Orion's two gods), Monoceros (the unicorn), Lepus (the hare).
  • the Heavenly Waters (aka the Cosmic Waters): 9 constellations whose names are related to water, including Delphinus, Columba, Equuleus, Vela, Puppis, Eridanus, Piscis Austrinus, Carina, Pyxis,
  • the Bayer Group: 11 Southern Hemisphere constellations depicting animals, named by Johann Bayer in 1603. Includes Hydrus, Dorado, Volans, Apus, Pavo, Grus, Phoenix, Tucana, Indus, Chamaeleon, Musca.
  • the La Caille Family: 13 Southern Hemisphere constellations, named by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1756. Includes Norma, Fornax, Circinus, Telescopium, Microscopium, Sculptor, Caelum, Horologium, Antlia, Pictor, Reticulum, Octans, Mensa.
Some Constellations:


Andromeda (the princess, the daughter of Cassiopeia) is a northern hemisphere constellation. Alpha Andromeda (called Sirrah, meaning "Horse's navel") is the same as Delta Pegasi (from the constellation


[Abbreviation: Aqr] Aquarius (the water bearer) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. This faint constellation is seen along theecliptic. The sun passes through Aquarius from mid-February until mid-March. There are many interesting celestial objects in this large constellation, including globular clusters (M2 and M72), planetary nebulae (NGC 7009 and NGC 7293), the star group M73, a double star (zeta Aqr). Aquarius is the radiant for the meteor showers: March Aquarids, Delta Aquarids, Eta Aquarids, and Iota Aquarids. Alpha Aquarii (the brightest star in Aquarius) is called Sadalmelik (meaning the Lucky One of the King) and beta Aquarii (the second-brightest star in Aquarius) is named Sadalsuud (meaning the Luckiest of the Lucky); they are twin supergiants.


[Abbreviation: Ari] Aries (the ram) is a constellation of the 
zodiac located along the ecliptic between Pisces and Taurus. This tiny, faint constellation is seen just north of the ecliptic. The brightest star in Aries (Alpha Ari) is Hamal, the second-brightest star (Beta Ari) is Sharatan, the third-brightest star (Gamma 2 Ari) is Mesarthim, and the fourth-brightest is Botein (Delta Ari)


The Big Dipper is a group of 7 stars (it is an asterism and not a constellation) contained in the Northern Hemisphere constellation 
Ursa major(The Great Bear).


Boötes (the herdsman) is a large constellation in the northern hemisphere. The brightest star in Boötes is 
Arcturus, a red giant that is the fourth brightest star in the sky.


[Abbreviation: Cnc] Cancer (the crab) is a very faint constellation of the 
zodiac that is shaped like a crab. Cancer is seen along the ecliptic and is located between Leo and Gemini. At the center of the crab's shell is a huge open cluster, the Beehive cluster, also known as Praesepe (M44). The open cluster M67 is nearby. The brightest star in Cancer is Acubens (meaning claw); the second-brightest is Al Tarf (meaning tip).


Canis major (The Great Dog) is a constellation near 
Orion. The brightest star in Canis Major (and the brightest star in the sky) is Sirius, also known as the dog star. Canis Major is one of the constellation Orion's hunting dogs (together with Canis Minor).


Canes Venatici (The Two Hunting Dogs or greyhounds [of the herdman Boötes]) is a small Northern Hemisphere
constellation near Ursa Major and Boötes. The brightest star in Canis Venatici is Cor Caroli (alpha CVn), a blue-white star (magnitude 2.9) with a companion star (magnitude 5). The Whirlpool Nebula (M51), the Sab galaxy (M94) and the globular cluster M3 (magnitude 6) can be found in Canis Venatici. The Canes Venaticids meteor shower occurs from January 13 - January 30. Canes Venatici was named by the Polish astronomer Johannes Hevelius in 1690.


[Abbreviation: Cap] Capricornus (the goat) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. Capricorn is seen along the eclipticbetween Sagittarius and Aquarius. The brightest stars in Capricornus are Prima Giedi (Alpha 1 Cap) and Secunda Giedi (Alpha 2 Cap). The globular cluster M30 is in Capricorn.


Cassiopeia is an easily-seen 
constellation that is in the far northern sky. It circles the pole star (Polaris) throughout the year and also straddles the Milky Way. The five major stars of Cassiopeia (also known as "The Lady of the Chair") are shaped like a "W" (or an "M," depending on your orientation). All of the stars in Cassiopeia are all less than second magnitude brightness. The brightest star in Cassiopeia is Schedar (alpha CAS), which is a multiple star that is pale rose in color and varies in magnitude from 2.2 to 2.8 magnitudes. The second-brightest, called Caph (beta CAS), is a white star of magnitude 2.4. Cassiopeia contains two open clusters, M52 (magnitude 7.3) and M103 (magnitude 7.4). The strongest radio source, Cassiopeia A, emanates from Cassiopeia; it is the remnant of a supernova which ocurred about A.D. 1660, and is 10,000 light years from us. The constellation Cassiopeia was named for Cassiopeia, the mother of Andromeda (and the wife of Cephus) in Greek mythology.


Cepheus is a house-shaped constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a circumpolar constellation; it never dips under the horizon in the Northern hemisphere. Errai (Gamma Cephei) is a third-magnitude orange subgiant star that will become the Earth's north polar star in 2,000 years. Cepheus is next to the constellations 
Andromeda and Perseus. Cepheus was named after King Cepheus in Greek mythology, and is abbreviated Cep.


Cetus is a constellation that straddles the
celestial equator. Cetus means whale, and is abbreviated Cet. The first-known variable star Mira, is Omicron Ceti.


Columba (the dove, abbreviated Col) is a small constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. This constellation pictures a dove holding an olive branch in its mouth. Columba is a member of the "
Heavenly Waters," a family of constellations. Columba was named by the astronomer Bayer, but was populatized by the French astronomerAugustin Royer in 1679 (before that, Colmba's stars have been included in the constellation Canis Major). Alpha Col (the brightest star in Columba) is called Phaet; beta Col (the second-brightest star in Columba) is called Wezn. The globular clusterNGC 1851 and the blue magnitude 5 star (mu Col, a "runaway star") are in Columba.


Crux (or Crux Australis) is the scientific name of the Southern Cross
constellation. This well-known, cross-shaped Southern Hemisphere constellation is on the Australian flag. The brightest star in Crux is Acrux (alpha Cru), a double-star system at the base of the cross. The second-brightest star is Becrux or Mimosa (Beta Cru); the third-brightest is Gacrux (Gamma Cru). The Jewel Box (also known as Kappa Crucis) is an open cluster of about 100 stars in the Southern Cross. Crux lies on the Milky Way and is surrounded by the constellation Centaurus on three sides.


Cygnus (the swan) is a constellation that is shaped like a large cross. It is also known as the Northern Cross. It is seen along the 
Milky Way in the northern hemisphere. At its tail is the very bright star Deneb (alpha Cygni), and at its head is the double star Albireo (beta Cygni).


Draco (from the dragon in Greek mythology) is a constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the 
radiantof the Quadrantids and Draconids (meteor showers). Draco is near the northern celestial pole; the tail of Draco is between the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. The brightest star in the Draco is Thuban; it is located in the dragon's tail. (Thuban means "dragon or serpent" in Arabic. Thuban was the Earth's pole star about 5,000 years ago.) The second-brightest star in the Draco is Rastaban (which means "head of the dragon or serpent").


[Abbreviation: Eri] Eridanus (the River) is a southern constellation that is may have been named for the river Nile, the river Euphrates, or for the river of tears wept by the mythical Heliades. Eridanus is located near the constellations Fornax and Lepus. The brightest star in Eridanus, alpha Eri, is Achernar (meaning "end of the river"); it is the 9th brightest star in the sky (magnitude 0.46). The second-brightest, beta Eri, is Cursa (meaning "chair/footstool of Orion" ). The third-brightest, gamma Eri, is Zaurak (meaning "boat" ). The fourth-brightest, delta Eri, is Rana (meaning "frog" ). The fifth-brightest, zeta Eri, is Zibal (part of the "Ostrich's Nest"). Eridanus was one of the original 48 constellations first noted by Ptolemy


[Abbreviation: Gem] Gemini (also known as "The Twins") is one of the constellations of the 
zodiac, located along the ecliptic between Taurus and Cancer. The brightest stars in Gemini are Castor (a sextuple star - three double stars) and Pollux (a 1st magnitude yellow star). The open cluster M35 is located in Gemini. The Geminid meteor shower seems to radiate from Gemini.


Hercules is a Northern Hemisphere constellation that is the fifth largest in the sky. It is named for Hercules, the legendary hero of Greek mythology. The brightest of its rather dim stars is Ras Algethi (alpha Her), a variable red supergiant. The four stars of the central trapezoid within Hercules, epsilon Her, zeta Her, eta Her and pi Her, form the 
asterism called Keystone. The globular star cluster M13 is located on the western part of the Keystone. The Tau Herculid meteor shower seems to radiate from Hercules.


[Abbreviation: Leo] Leo (the lion) is a constellation of the 
zodiac that is shaped like a lion. Leo is seen along the Milky Way in the Northern Hemisphere along the ecliptic between Virgo and Cancer. The brightest star (Alpha Leo) in Leo is Regulus (meaning "little king"). The second-brightest star (Beta Leo) is Denebola (meaning "tail of the lion"), and the third-brightest star (Gamma 1 Leo) is Algieba (meaning "forehead"). The spiral galaxies M65, M66, M95, M96, and the elliptical galaxy M105 are nearby.


[Abbreviation: Lib] Libra (the balance) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. Libra is seen along the eclipticbetween Virgo and Scorpius. The brightest star (Alpha 2 Lib) in Libra is Zuben Elgenubi, the second-brightest star (Beta Lib) is Zuben Elschemali, the third-brightest star (Gamma Lib) is Zuben Elakrab, and the fourth-brightest star (Delta Lib) is Zuben Elakribi.


Lupus (the wolf) is a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. It is located between Centaurus to the west, Scorpius to the northeast. The open star cluster NGC 5822 is in Lupus.


Lyra (the lyre) is a small, bright constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. The brightest star in Lyra is Vega (meaning "falling eagle") which has a white color and is the fifth brightest star in the sky.


Orion, also known as "The Hunter," is a 
constellation. The brightest stars in Orion areRigelBetelgeuse, and Bellatrix. The Horsehead Nebula and the nebulae M42 and M43 (called the Orion nebula) are also in this constellation.


Pegasus (the flying horse) is a large northern hemisphere constellation. Delta Pegasi is shared with the constellation
Andromeda. 51 Pegasi (51 Peg), off the Great Square of Pegasus, is a nearby, Sun-like star that has been found to have an orbiting planet.

Perseus is a constellation in the Milky Way in the Northen Hemisphere. It is abbreviated Per. Perseus' major star is alpha Per, called Marfak or Algenib; it is an F5 supergiant. Beta Per is the eclipsing binary Algol. Perseus was a hero in Greek mythology who killed the monstrous Medusa. Each year in August, the 
Perseid meteor shower radiates from this constellation's northern part.


[Abbreviation: Psc] Pisces (the fish) is a faint equatorial constellation of the 
zodiac. Pisces is seen along the eclipticbetween Aries and Aquarius. The brightest star in Pisces (Alpha Psc) is Al Rischa (or Alrisha), the second-brightest-star (Beta Psc) is Fum al Samakah. The spiral galaxy M74 is in Pisces.


[Abbreviation: Sgr] Sagittarius is the ninth constellation of the 
zodiac. To the ancients, it represented a centaur (half-man, half-horse) archer who was aiming at the Scorpion (the next constellation) which bit Orion. Its central section (the archer's chest) also resembles a teapot. The center of the Milky Way Galaxy is in the direction of Sagittarius. Many meteor showers, including the Sagittariids, seem to radiate from Sagittarius. The brightest star in Sagittarius (Alpha Sgr) is Rukbat (which means "knee" in Arabic).


[Abbreviation: Sco] Scorpius (the scorpion) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. This constellation is seen along the ecliptic between Libra and Sagittarius. The brightest star in Scorpius is Antares, a red supergiant star that is about 500 light-years away from Earth and is about 230 times as big as the Sun. The second-brightest (Beta 1 Sco) is Graffias.


Crux is the scientific name of the Southern Cross constellation. This well-known, cross-shaped Southern Hemisphere constellation is on the Australian flag. The brightest star in Crux is Acrux, a double-star system at the base of the cross. This constellation lies on the Milky Way and is surrounded by the constellation Centaurus on three sides. It is abbreviated Cru.


[Abbreviation: Tau] Taurus (the bull) is a constellation of the 
zodiac. This constellation is seen along the ecliptic between Aries and Gemini. The brightest star (Alpha Tau) in Taurus is Aldebaran, which is one of the bull's eyes (Aldebaran is the 13th brightest star in the sky). The second-brightest star in Taurus (Beta Tau) is Alnath, the third brightest (Gamma Tau) is Hyadum I.


Ursa major (The Great Bear) is a well-known constellation in the Northern Hemisphere that contains the 7 stars of the 
Big Dipper.


Ursa minor (The Little Bear) is a Northern Hemisphere constellation that is also known as the Little Dipper. This group of stars starts at Polaris, the pole star of the Northern Hemisphere


[Abbreviation: Vir] Virgo (the virgin) is a 
constellation of the zodiac. It is located along the ecliptic between Leo and Libra. Virgo is seen along the ecliptic. The brightest star in Virgo is Spica (meaning "ear of wheat"). Virgo is the second-largest constellation (of the 88 constellations), after Hydra.

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