Sunday 21 October 2012


I.                     Read the sentences and options carefully. Choose and write the letter and the word or phase  of the best answer. Write your answer on a ¼ sheet of intermediate paper.

Moonlight on Manila Bay generally reflects the emotion of persona.
1.       The poem also describes the Philippines as _________ country before the intrusion of American.
a.        Picturesque                                                                  c. Attractive
b.       Charming                                                                       d. Perfect
2.       The  author made the poem more expressive and creative through the image (s):

I.         Light, serene (line 1)                                                   III.  wavy crest (line 5)
II.        Crestling wave (line 2)                                                VII. lambent light (line 7)

a.        Only I and II                                                                   c. only I, II, III, and IV
b.       Only I, II, and III                                                             d. I, II, III, IV, and V
3.       What is the author’s deep intention when he mentions, “scene so fair” in the line 13?
a.        Longing                                                                                          c. protecting
b.       Grieving                                                                         d. appreciating
4.       In the 1st line the author tells not only about ___________thoughts but also the __________of our country with a fighting spirit.
a.         psychic; scene                                                             c. calmness; trouble
b.       spiritual; beauty                                                           d. brightness; glory
5.       In the sonnet’s concluding verse, the mention of East and West gives us an idea of the suffering that Philippines have undergone. The underlined words could particularly refer to ____________.
a.        Spanish and American                                                d. Filipinos and Spanish
b.       Filipinos and America                                                  d. Chinese and Spanish
6.       The sonnet finally celebrates ___________ victory on Manila Bay. That extreme joy is yet destroyed by the lines in the first octave verse that shows our fighting spirit in the midst of our troubled history.
a.        America’s                                                                      c. Japanese’s
b.       Spanish’s                                                                        d. Chinese’s
7.       The author felt hint of transcendence though the persona was pondering something quiet deep. True enough, in the following lines after the first octave verse, the tone changed from that of a praise of beauty to a subtle tone of the reminiscence of a _____________memory.
a.        happy                                                                             c. tragic
b.       sad                                                                                  d. painful
8.       The word ‘Olympia’ may have become a collective term used for describing the might of the American forces in freeing the Filipinos from Spanish rule. It also literally means the/a ________________.
a.        vessel                                                                             c. place                                                 
b.        guns                                                                               d. game
9.       Perhaps the intention of Maramag in writing this poem about a particular event in the history of the Philippines is to remind the Filipinos to _________________.  This is parallel to the sentiments and admiration to the first octave lines of the breath-taking moonlight scene in the historical location of Manila Bay.

a.        not forget the glorious moment in the past.
b.       fight for freedom
c.        see the moonlight on Manila Bay.
d.       forget the past and move on

II.                    Beauty + History. Aside from Manila Bay, give examples of people, places, and things that show beauty and history in the Philippines.
Submit on Monday, Oct.22, 2012

III.                  Blog for the Philippines. Choose one from your list of places that possess history and beauty. Write three (3) paragraph blog entry that features the following about the place that you have chosen:
-          vivid description of the place
-          clear instructions/descriptions of its location
-          short historical background
-          activities to do in the place
-          attractions in the place. 
Note: Remember that your objective is to inform tourists about the beauty and history of the place. Your composition should invite people to visit and enjoy the beauty of the place. You may use embedded sentences and figures of speech in describing the place. Mark them with your favourite colour. Finally, upload your blog entry (in pdf file) @ zirbauxqua_7.

15           Used informative and interesting content that addressed requirements.
10           Displayed stylistic and persuasive writing
15           coherence and grammar
5              creativity in use of photos, layout, etc.
45 Points

Blog uploading time: Saturday and Sunday (anytime) 

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