Saturday 22 September 2012


           It was still dark but the boy and girl scouts on the school were already awake. They took their bath while the other scouter started to cook their food for their early breakfast. They washed their plates and wiped their tables after the breakfast. Everyone was busy and started to be ready for the different activities of the day.
          At eight, the parade and the opening program started. They had a parade with their School Band. Their school band is composed of the Balers, Twirlers, Lyrists, and Drummers with their new costumes.  When they arrived from their parade they started their opening program. After the parade and the opening program the girl and boy scouts started their activities.
          The first activity of the girl scouts was the Knot Tying; the girls had a difficulty in that game. After that, they had their contest about their promise and law. That last activity before they take their launch was about their hand and whistle signals.
          At twelve they started to eat their launch which was rice, beef loaf and fish. Then after launch the assigned dishwashers and table wipers started to work while the other members of the patrol prepared their materials for their cooking and fire building.
          Then at one o’clock on the afternoon they started the activity. Then after that they played the games of the “laro ng lahi” like patentiro. They also played jumping rope and touch ball.
          Then on five o’clock they ate their dinner and at six thy prayed the Angelus. After the Angelus they talked and rested for a while.
          Their camp fire started at seven on the evening. They presented the presentations that they had prepared for the camp fire. Then at nine they finished their day and camp fire with a prayer and get back to their assigned rooms and slept.

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